
We are always looking for strong and motivated students (and/or Fully Remote Interns as part of our Student Enrichment Opportunities) for a variety of AI + biomedical data science projects. The partial list of current project topics and keywords are given below. Please email at prasatsa@uc.edu with your Current CV and Research Interests

NEW! We are currently looking to fill multiple positions for various projects. 

If your area is not listed here, email with subject line "Application for Internship - 2024". We also have multiple internships available via an Indo-US collaborative initiative email with subject line "Intern Position - 2024". Given the volume of emails and the strict spam-free diet we follow, please send a reminder email if you have not received a reply after two weeks. For Academic/Not-for-Profit advise on AI/ML/DL areas contact via email, we are happy to schedule some weekend hours especially for 1st-generation/marginalized/special-needs/veterans students, please also see a list of similar Machine Learning Mentors (courtesy of Nicolas Le Roux).

Topics & Keywords:

Image processing for various bio + medical imaging modalities with machine learning (ML) and deep learning (DL)

AI models - CNN/GAN/LSTM/GNN/RNN/VAE/Transformers/Diffusion Models applied to biomedical informatics

Bringing different applied data science tools and knowledge applied to biomedical informatics

Postdoctoral/Research Fellow Positions

The Prasath Lab is looking for qualified postdoctoral candidates and research fellows. Potential applicants can inquire with Dr. Prasath. The applicant will be expected to provide a current CV, a brief research statement describing past work and current interests, and the contact details of two references (optional). Previous experience with image processing, computer vision, and machine/deep learning is preferable. Please email with subject line "Postdoc Position Application". We also work closely with a lot of other labs at CCHMC and UC, so please reach out to us to get connected to these great opportunities at CCHMC.

Graduate Student Positions - MS/MEng/PhD

Current/incoming University of Cincinnati (UC) Graduate students (regardless of the discipline of study) interested in rotating (typically 2-3 months - mix of remote/in-person) or joining the lab should arrange a Zoom/Teams meeting with Dr. Prasath to discuss possible projects of interest. Outside (international) graduate students interested in joining the lab please check University of Cincinnati Graduate Programs in Biomedical Informatics and College of Engineering and Applied Science (CEAS), UC. The admission committee does a good job at sharing the applications of prospective students with relevant faculty/labs.

Undergraduate Student Positions

Undergraduate students interested in pursuing projects in the lab should inquire with Dr. Prasath. Summer undergraduate research fellowships (SURF) are available for undergraduate students interested in our areas of research. Visit the UC SURF or CCHMC SURF page to learn more. Our previous undergraduate research fellows have worked on cutting-edge AI for biomedical image processing problems and also have won awards at the UC annual undergraduate research forums. 

High School Student Positions

High School students interested in pursuing projects in the lab should inquire with Dr. Prasath. You will be paired with Senior Graduate students to work and shadow our real-world data science projects. You will have ample opportunities to work on state-of-the-art AI models applied to biomedical informatics!

Internship/Student Enrichment Opportunities/Volunteer Positions

Students interested in pursuing AI projects should inquire with Dr. Prasath. Various AI-driven projects in the lab involves multidisciplinary students and we welcome students from any domain with skills in machine learning, deep learning, and data science. We welcome "students/trainees" in any sense of the word: pre-docs, fellows, trainees, masters, undergraduate, or high school students. Please note that undergraduate and high school students are usually paired with a graduate peer mentor.

Prospective students please read the following before applying:

We are always looking for motivated and creative research associates, postdocs, graduate, undergraduate, and high-school students to join our research group. Due to our base at Cincinnati Children's, much of our research focuses on Pediatric Health: the use of AI, image processing, computer vision, machine learning with the goal of improving pediatric patient care, quality of life, and serving various other divisions - Radiology, Pathology, Microscopy Core, Neurology, Neurosurgery, Pulmonary, Health Informatics, Clinical Informatics, Emergency Medicine, Immunobiology, Human Genetics,...

As our research is intensively applied, you should expect to spend a significant amount of time coding, prototyping, and running empirical studies on real-world data. This process is quite demanding and requires patience and perseverance. However, it is also quite rewarding to design systems that are actually used by pediatricians.

As with other labs, our funding situation varies, but is always a limiting factor on the size of any research group (including ours). Your best chances to joining the lab are to take classes in Machine Learning/Deep Learning (important), Image Processing (optional), Signal Processing (optional), and Computer Vision (optional). If you have a strong background in Mathematics, learning the above subjects are not mandatory and can be learned on the job.

If you are already a student at the University of Cincinnati, please free to email (prasatsa@uc.edu) Dr. Prasath to introduce yourself and your research interests. Reading a couple of our recent publications will give you a leg up! If you are not yet a student at the University of Cincinnati, please go through the standard admission procedures and mention our lab as a possible destination - either at Computer Science, CEAS or at Biomedical Informatics, University of Cincinnati. The admission committee does a good job at sharing the applications of prospective students with relevant faculty. Unfortunately we do not have a say in how the students are selected into the PhD programs, please reach out to the respective program coordinators for information regarding GRE, Fees/waiver, minimum GPA requirements etc. 

Have NO-FEAR  (New Opportunities - For Engineering and Advanced undergraduates in Research) and ARISE (AI Research In Science and Engineering)! So Apply Now!!

Check out our exciting Research Projects and Student Success!

Research Opportunities in Biomedical Informatics

State-of-the-Art Methods

Discover and explore Biomedical Informatics. Apply new methods to interesting open problems in the Pediatrics domain.

Advanced Training

Work in collaborative teams to develop new AI/ML/DL algorithms for biomedical data - signals, image, videos, text, hone soft skills, and enhance your scientific background.

Hands-on Experience

Get hands-on experience in scientific research and explore career opportunities in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) - in an interdisciplinary and applied approach.

We want you!


We welcome applications at various levels - Summer Internships, Remote Internships for High School, Undergraduate, SURF (Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship), Graduate, and PostDoctoral Fellowships.

Are you interested in solving real-life problems?

Are you interested in image processing?

Are you interested in computer vision?

Are you interested in deep learning?

Are you bored of using lame synthetic benchmarks in AI ?

Are you fed-up with devising ML/DL/AI models to juice out 0.001% improvement over baseline on the toy MNIST, FMNIST type datasets ?

Do you want to work without traditional 9 to 5 day constraints?

Do you want to positively affect pediatric patients with data-driven insights?

Join us!

The students will receive hands-on training and work in collaborative teams to develop new AI/ML/DL algorithms for biomedical data - signals, image, videos, text, hone soft skills, and enhance your scientific background. Our alumni have carried on with these skills learned into careers in industry, and to great grad schools (Stanford, CMU, JHU, UIUC, Concordia,...)